Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The art to decor with black.

In this wonderful and modern apartment in Denmark, lives Zarah Voigt with her family. She is a jewelery  and scenography designer. Many of the things she created for the house or find it in flea markets but one thig stand out more... The use of black in the interior decor without falling in a Gothic style.

"Family photos", particularly from Zarah Voigt childhood, but also images from both Bowie and mother in law. The table is built for the couple by the same man who made ​​their kitchen, Hagen Mads Thomsen from the Set Up Kitchen. The cakes at the Royal Copenhagen dish are artificial cakes, which she found in Tokyo. She negotiating them now in his jewelry store, where they come in a nice box of cake to 225 kr. paragraph. - But then is there forever!

At her home she surrounding themselves with things that she loves, and who means something to her. At USM shelving from Interactive Studio is a series of favorite things, including an art photograph of Andy Warhol bought online, a pistol vase found in Tokyo and a 60s ball turmoil from a flea market.

The pictures on the wall are a creation of the owner,the cealling lamp from
a flea market, the 70's lamp was foud also in a flea market and spray painted by Zarah Voigt.

Objet of desire; Wire Eames Chair.On the plexiglass window a collection
of Vinyl Toys.
  The dining table is made in the same style as the rest of the kitchen design. The great work of art has made ​​for his girlfriend Zarah Voigt - and it fits beautifully with the cups, which she has decorated. The Eames Eiffel chair, gives the right touch to the kitchen.

Sophisticated black, for a bath of clean lines.A shower installed in a blue vinyl flooring. But now it's covered with black tiles from floor to ceiling, giving a unique and dramatic effect. The sink is built in, so the completed look with the black tiles are not broken by a standard white wash.

Apology to black in the master bedroom.. The chairs she has inherited from his father - and painted black. The artwork in iron that hangs over the bed, she and her boyfriend made inspiring by her jewelry collection "Gothica".

Via: Bo Bedre.