Monday, June 28, 2010

Beware of Caffeine Poisoning

[Caffeine photo]

Caffeine had a substance that causes many benefits such as pressing sleepiness, reduce boredom, increase the spirit at work, and increase alertness. Thus, both caffeine consumption.

However, caffeine functions are often misused. Even consumed in excess. Though caffeine is a chemical that has powerful effects in some systems of the body, so it needs special attention. Thus, consumption of caffeinated beverages is a good idea should be limited.

Caffeine is a type of alkaloid that is naturally present in coffee beans, tea leaves, and some beverages.

Caffeine works on the central nervous system, muscle (including cardiac muscle), and kidney. Effect on central nervous system, especially in centers higher yield increased mental activity, and stay awake or wake up.

Caffeine to improve performance and results of work of muscles, stimulate the respiratory center, increasing the speed and depth of breathing. Caffeine can also cause a mild addictive.

Impact of Caffeine Bad

Despite of several studies found that caffeine has a good function for the body, but in fact this substance can also cause negative impacts to the body.

Moreover, the workings of one mind is caffeine triggers a chemical response to stress bodies. Caffeine makes certain parts of the brain becomes very active, and even making it overactive, while other parts of the brain that become no active.

If you want a maximum of 100 mg per day, could have benefited. But if more than 300 mg per day, could be poisoned. So one cup contains 100 mg of caffeine.

In the body, caffeine is absorbed by the stomach, metabolized in the liver, and disposed of the body for 20-10 hours. Generally, smokers have a faster metabolism of caffeine than those who were nonsmokers.

While in pregnant women, the metabolism of caffeine last longer. That's why pregnant women are advised to avoid caffeine for longer. That's why pregnant women are advised to avoid the caffeine because it will cause baby to be disabled.

Likewise with the consumption of other energy drinks. People may be attracted to his name and taking it to generate power. But should note that unlike energy drinks beverages energy sources.

Caffeine can cause a mild addictive. People who drink coffee will have a headache in the morning, or after approximately 12-16 hours from the last time coffee drinkers.

For people who drank coffee daily more than five cups, the risk of addiction increased 60-120% compared with people who do not drink coffee.

Caffeine poisoning symptoms. Caffeine can trigger addictive. Excessive consumption or because the condition of the body that is sensitive to caffeine can lead to poisoning.

If you experience headaches, muscle tension, can not sleep, and panic after a cup of coffee, it means that your caffeine poisoning. Symptoms can occur 12-24 hours after consuming caffeine, even up to 48 hours.

People affected by heart disease has the effect of heavier again, that could make quick rhythmic heart. And that could be dangerous. Effect that appears depends on each person's condition.

Conditions like this usually do not last long. Because once the caffeine out toxins from the body through metabolism, body condition will get better by itself.

Therefore, if you experience symptoms such as those mentioned above, how good you consume lots of water in order to expedite the process of metabolism.

Caffeine is actually quickly removed by drinking water that much and will be issued through the urinary tract.

Good solution, namely to reduce caffeine intake. Not only reduce consumption of coffee, but also chocolate, tea, soda and even some medications that contain caffeine and can cause you to fatigue without you realize the cause.