Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Come Tube Calcium since Early

[cheese photo]

Osteoporosis is common in those who are elderly. However, we recommend an early age you start to anticipate it by consuming enough calcium.

Bone is useful to protect organs in the body. Bone name "woven" is taken from forms such as woven, until after the birth of bone called "lamellar". The bones begin to grow since the womb. When a baby is born, the number of bones is 350 units. But as adults, the amount of bone has been reduced to 206 units.
Because there are bones that connect to one another, forming a stronger bone.
Can be imagined if the body has no bones, just a pile of meat in the human body.

Bone consists of hard substances such as stone, namely calcium. But unlike the dead stone, bone, life, flexible, and grow. After the child is born, the process of bone growth influenced the growth hormone and calcium.

Calcium is a mineral that most numerous in the body, which is around 1.5 to 2 percent of adult body weight or approximately as much as 1 kg, and about 99 percent of the calcium present in hard tissues of the bones and teeth. Calcium is needed of all ages. Not just for the elderly, but also at the age of the children. In children, it is very high calcium needs. "The growth of bone in children occur from zero to 18 years, but the peak of physical growth of children occurs when a child of school age, which is around 8-15 years.

Bones continue to grow and reached a peak in adult time. However, gender differences also play a role in the formation of bone mass. In young women shorter span of time of growth, ie before menstruation, while for boys a longer period of growth.

Girls who grow up, accommodating more bone mass at the inner cortex, which supports trabecular, forming a debriefing of calcium as inventory when pregnant and breastfeeding.

Whereas in boys, more bone mass collected on the outer cortex. The bigger the diameter, then the bones are also stronger.

In this growth process, also occurred compaction process of the bone, where bone compaction process depends on normal levels of reproductive hormones, beta exposure to ultraviolet (UVB) short of the morning and afternoon sun (Vitamin D), calcium intake, vitamin K, the sport at the age of puberty, and lifestyle.

Stimulation can be integrated from the inside that is by ensuring a complete and balanced nutrition properly, especially the intake of calcium to support bone growth and strength. Meanwhile, the stimulation from the outside can be either physical activity or exercise that serves to help bone density. Such as exercising 30 minutes a day for three times a week, like walking or running.
Parental attention and effort are needed, because if malnutrition in this stage will not be irreplaceable. Therefore, calcium is important for future savings from an early age until age 30.

Saving can be done by fulfilling the calcium intake of calcium contained in milk or other supplementary food such as cheese.

Osteoporosis is not a problem child, but a matter of the future, but the root problem is the children. That is why it is important to pay attention to nutrition, especially calcium intake of children so that they avoided the issue of bone density in later old age. So, start to get children to save calcium by eating nutritious foods and adequate calcium intake.