Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reductil: Gun Down Obesity

An obese individual always dreams of achieving a perfect shape which attracts everyone in site. How many obese are able to accomplish this task? With obesity on the rise, losing weight has become a trend among young and old in a similar fashion. Starving, strenuous exercises do not work for all and even if it does, there is a major possibility of weight regain. Then what to do? Reductil is here to offer you with a solution to fight against obesity. Reductil with Sibutramine as its active constituent is an effectual oral prescription weight loss medication.

Usage of Reductil is only licensed for you if you have a BMI 30 or more; or BMI 27 with obesity related risk factors. BMI or Body Mass Index basically denotes an amount which is calculated after taking in account your height in proportion to your body weight. The risk of becoming a victim of obesity related risk factors increases with rise in the BMI. Reductil works by affecting the neuro-transmitters, which are engaged in transferring the messages to the nerve cells. In this way, Reductil helps in accomplishing the feeling of contentment even with small amounts of food. Reductil medication is used in alliance to proper diet and regular work out plan.

Reductil is available in two strengths of 10mg and 15mg. The prescribed dosage of Reductil should be consumed with a glassful of water. Chewing or crushing Reductil tablets can alter the template of its chemical composition and enhance the chances of unwanted side effects. Never indulge in over dosage of Reductil medication as it may be detrimental to your health. It is suggested that you should follow your doctor's prescription religiously. The duration of Reductil treatment may vary from 8-12 weeks. The amount of weight you can loose would depend upon the caloric restriction and effort in work outs.

Ensure your doctor is informed concerning your medical record such as drug or alcohol abuse, epilepsy. If you are women with child bearing potential, expectant women or a nursing mother; you should refrain from consumption of Reductil. Your weight should be monitored throughout the Reductil medication, to keep up with the effectiveness of the medication.

With usage of Reductil, some side effects may be encountered as a consequence of bodily adjustments to the medication. These side effects usually fade away within a short passage of time. Some of the Reductil side effects can be enlisted as:

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Upset stomach

  • Dry mouth

    In case these or any other side effects persist over an extended period of time, ask for immediate medical support.

    Buy Reductil with the aid of online pharmacies. Online pharmacies not only enable you with the convenience of placing an order at the comfort of your home but also a cheaper price range.

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