Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rent Bicycle for Cycling Tours in Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is one one the most beautiful temple in the word. Around Borobudur temple we can find many beautiful and exotic village with traditional activities. For more exiting we can cycling tours enjoy Borobudur temple. Traditional music, Javanese dance and unique traditional village can be find in around Borobudur temple. JavaBali Trans Wisata as the specialist service for Cycling Tours, Village Tours and Indonesian Adventure Tours will serve you to enjoy the beautiful Borobudur temple village. You can rent Bicycle for Cycling Tours in Borobudur Temple in JavaBali Trans Wisata. We Available traditional bicycle called Onthel bicycle for cycling tours. Using Javanese traditional Bicycle for cycling tours make the amazing experience. The other JavaBali Tour service such as: Jogja Village tour using traditional bicycle, Cycling Tours using Mountain bike in Jogjakarta tourism destination, Village tours activities, Prambanan temple cycling Tours, Traditional Village tours in Jogja using Traditional bicycle, Sultan Palace Tours, Merapi Lava tours.
More Detail information about Jogja Cycling tours, Indonesian Village tours, Traditional  Bicycle for cycling tours, Rent Javanese Old bicycle for Cycling Tours you can contact:
JavaBali Trans Wisata
Contac Person: MasMinto
